Sandwich maker for love

So this lady who writes for the NY Post Infamous Page6, has a blog called:

Yep! 300 sandwiches. And they are fabulous sandwiches ! I am seriously going to try some of them myself, as someone who isn't a huge sandwich fan. 

But the funny thing is, she's no culinary queen. This lady is on a mission to marry her man.

You probably saw her on the Today Show. So you know the story. Her guy asked her to make him a sandwich, and she begrudgingly did. Afterwards he passively said she's only 300 sandwiches away from getting an engagement ring.

She took the bait and has been making sandwiches since. 

Admittedly I think she's being a little silly, and may make all of those sandwiches trying to get a ring then come up empty handed. Then seeing how she's always wanted marriage but moved in with the guy instead makes me raise a brow. 

If he really wanted to marry her, what stopped him from giving the ring at sandwich #3 or #30? But part of the story is charming in a quirky way.  And gives a message of faith and love for the couple.

If what he needs from her is sandwiches and she's open to it, good for them. If what she needs from him is marriage, I hope he is prepared and shows her the same devotion.


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