The heart wants what it wants

The video treatment by Matthew Cherry for this song was perfect.

In Love With Another Man by Jazmine Sullivan sparked a debate with a couple of people yesterday. Have you ever found yourself caught between your love with one person and passion for another?

It can be a gut-wrenching existence. Passion is usually the driving force in these messed up situations. All too often people confuse passion for love. Passion is important in any good relationship, no doubt. However, passion cannot be the only thing you have. Passion can have you lonely and looking stupid when you share it with someone who does not LOVE YOU.

Someone who loves you treats you well, or someone who uses love as an action and not just a feeling does anyway. In the song Jasmine says, "You treat me so much better than him, and if I was sane there would be no competition, but I'm in love with someone else."

See...passion can drive you out of your mind and jack up your good thing! I call it passion, some folks call it "the spark". I believe in having a "spark", but if a spark is all you have, then you do not have much with a person. The wise thing to do is to find sparks in your relationship where you are treated well. Now if you just cannot love a person you're dating the way he/she needs to be loved, it may be better to allow the person to go find someone who will.

Have I been there? YES! But I'm not alone...

One lady said, she's never experienced it, but can understand, "The heart wants what it wants." That dang heart! It will mess you up sometimes, won't it?!

But is it really your heart, which is deceptive, or lack of maturity? 

A couple of gents said they've been there, one saying: "Maaaaaaaan, I've fell victim to this before. All I can do is SMH @ myself. :-|"

A lady said when she was "young & dumb" she found herself in this position and would have made better decisions had she been wiser.

The resounding sentiment was that with wisdom each person would have chosen differently.


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