Bridesmaids, the movie and being one!

I went to see Bridesmaids last night with a couple of gal pals.  Prior to the movie we had an interesting dinner conversation about biological clocks, dating taboos, family pressures and marriage... I mean what else would we talk about?

I have been a maid of honor twice.  A bridesmaid once.  And I'll participate in another wedding this summer.  This movie hit the nail on the head in so many ways.    

Bridal parties seem to always have conflict between old friends and new friends.  There are always mishaps.  And a fallout typically happens when you have more than a couple friends in the wedding party.  And the show Bridezilla shows that the bride can sometimes lose her mind or become so self absorbed that it is difficult to deal with her. 

I'm not going to give a complete review of the movie here, I'll do that in my examiner column.  But I must say I loved the maid of honor in the movie.  She was hilarious and her role was near and dear to my heart! Ha ha!  

I've had some adventures in wedding land that were great.  Beautiful dress.  Wedding going off without a hitch.  I've never completely fallen out with a bride.  Typically things were cool, but I have seen it happen and had a flare up here and there.  The worst part for me is always getting the accusatory statement of "Well, it will be your turn next."  Oh and being forced to stand in the "catch the bouquet" huddle.  I'm not that chick.  I always find it kind of sad seeing women fight (literally!) over the hopes of catching a man and getting married. 

So again I guess I'm placed in the realm of being like the boys.  I avoid that bouquet like I've seen guys avoid the garter! I have literally jumped out of the way when one came near me.  LOL  Don't get me wrong.  I love love. I love celebrating love. I love marriage, and support it fully.  I just view it a little differently than a lot of women.  For me marriage is more about building a strong family than it is about my station and position in life.

What were your adventures in bridesmaids' land like? How do you feel about marriage? Do you have a ticking biological clock?


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