Ask YBBG, the new blog addition

ask for relationship advice
Relationship issues can be resolved. 
Almost every week, I get no less than three phone calls, texts or emails about relationship issues or just relationships in general. Everyone has relationship issues, so it only makes sense that everyone has relationship questions. 

Nope, I don't fancy myself a relationship guru. I am not the person who will tell you how to snag a mate or make it down the aisle. However, I can help you with your relationship issues. 

Questions about relationships
When it comes to dating, there are questions that should always be asked. 

I am a thinker, observer, and problem solver. 

I'm driven more by logic and reason...and still trying to tap into my own emotions. (That's just the truth.) 

Life has given me a unique window into a portal that many don't realize exists: the space where men and women finally understand each other. 

Growing up as a tomboy and having genuine, life-long friendships with the opposite sex, has afforded me the ability to synthesize information in a unique way.  Someone once told me that I am annoyingly fair. I really don't take sides. I try to see the issue, while having compassion for both people. (If you only hear one person's side, you cannot really judge right or wrong...) 

For seven years, I wrote a relationship advice column. I covered a multitude of relationship issues that tend to crop up when men and women look for love (or lust), but find stumbling blocks, headaches, and drama. 

So if you have questions and don't mind my sharing them, shoot an email to my gmail: AskYBBG. All posts will be anonymous unless you ask me to share your name. 


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