Cheating double standard- A man scorned!

VH1's show Single Ladies deals with a myriad of relationship and dating issues. From break ups to make ups to game playing and cheating.  One of the main issues dealt with is the relationship of Darryl and April.  They had been married for several years.  Darryl married April when she was fairly young, and by all accounts he loved her dearly.  Early in the season April began creeping with the mayor of Atlanta, played by Common.

Her girls, Val and Keisha, found out but kept the affair a secret.  Darryl and Val have a long friendship that dates back to before he met April.  Val actually introduced them.  Here is where things go left.  Darryl finds out about the affair, along with the whole city of Atlanta.  The mayor had been getting it in!  So April was among a string of ladies the mayor philandered with, while he too was married. (Pilar Sanders played his wife.)

Well when Darryl caught wind of the affair he was crushed...then he was out for blood.  Oh yeah, he FLIPPED.  He had wanted to have children with April and she continuously refused.  Then he finds out she cheated.  Not only that, but he finds out HIS friend Val kept it from him.

So what does Darryl do?  He seeks revenge.  April inherited some money from her grandmother, and Darryl is trying to blow it all.  He also makes April suffer through marriage counseling even though he has no intent on healing the marriage. 

Now peep the below clip for the reaction some have to Darryl's scorn.

Notice how Val says "we all make mistakes" in relation to April carrying on a torrid affair? Then she goes on to call Darryl an "a**".  One of my colleagues commented that Darryl was a "P.A.B." (Pu*k A** B**c*).

Now most of you who watch Single Ladies are old enough to remember a movie that dealt with cheating... Waiting to Exhale anyone?  Remember this scene:

Oh yeah... Angela Bassett's character Bernadette went IN after her husband cheated on her with a White woman.  I remember being in the theater watching this and people saying "Girl don't burn it! Sell that ****!!!", but cheering for her "Get back" nonetheless!

So why is it that when cheating happens in a relationship, the reactions of men and women are treated differently?  If a man cheats, it is his fault.  If a man gets cheated on, then he probably did something there too.  If a woman gets cheated on, it is okay for her to be a woman scorned, but if a man gets cheated on, he's supposed to get over it?

Ha! Please!  Why can't people cheer for Darryl's get back?  Or be as forgiving of Bernadette's husband's cheating as they are of April's?   Oh that's right.  Men are supposed to behave without emotions..unless we need them to be sensitive right? LOL

What do you think about the cheating double standard?


Kathryn said…
Until you wrote it down like that, I was one of those women who thought Darryl was acting really feminine. Now that I think about it, men have feelings too. My thought process was not that he was mad about it....which he should have been. But the way in which was going about it seemed wrong. But I've said that about some women too.
Tasha said…
i will have to agree and disagree with you, now Darryl was a little out of control, now if i made a mistake then i apologize it's over, but i refuse to let someone make me feel less of a person b/c of it. Now i say this is because if it was done to me, i can either deal with it or let it go. Choice is simply mine. If my hubby cheated i do have the option of deciding if or if not to be with him, but my mission won't be to make him bark like a dog, roll over, and sit. There may be some silence for a lil while, but i don't believe in punishing someone that much, because just as easy as it was for him, it could have been for me, but i would like to know was it something that I didn't do that led him to cheat! Just my opinion
CM Writer said…
It really wasn't about whether or not you would behave the same as Darryl. It was about why Darryl gets the jeers when Bernadette gets the cheers for behaving the same way.

Point being, why is there a double standard? Do you feel that Bernadette went overboard in Waiting to Exhale as well?

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