I am not my blog...or am I?

"I've visited your blog/website, but I'll chill. I know you're not serious enough about your brand for me to take you seriously."
Today I learned something that I did not know.  I am supposed to have a brand.  Or I am a brand. Wait...I'm supposed to BE A BRAND. Something.

Oh branding...that's that new catch phrase in EVERY industry...particularly blogging.  The comment above came from a gentleman on Twitter after we had a round about a #YBBGTopic I posted, and he said he did not realize it was for my blog (YBBG stands for Your Boyfriend's Best Girlfriend).  

He suggested that I preface the questions I ask on twitter with "Hey I'm going to use this for my blog..." before I ask them.  I felt that since I make that disclaimer periodically and use a hashtag that people should know.  If they do not...then they are welcomed to ask...

Who's right?  Who knows? Maybe both of us, maybe neither.  But the conversation led to the above statement because he feels that I hold myself out as an expert and should focus on my brand.  I told him I never hold myself out as an expert...that I don't even believe anyone can be a relationship expert...  I have also repeatedly stated that if one CAN be a relationship expert, then I am still not one.  I am a person with experiences and opinions.

Let's be clear...a lot of people brand their blogs.  And then craft an image of themselves based on the image of the blog.  Clearly this blog speaks to a part of who I am.  I say that upfront.  This blog was the birthchild of my thoughts and my friendships with men.  I am already who I am and the blog just came from who I am already. lol

But I am not so much into branding. labels, images and all that jazz.  Even the pen name I use is meant to keep this writing thing and blogging thing separate from my life.   Quite frankly, this is not me.  Meaning not ALL OF ME.  It is just a part.  Another outlet of expression...another part of my calling.  Not meant to boost me, but to help others by facilitating communication between the sexes and helping solve problems however I can. 

That's it.  lol Besides I do not like to be boxed in :)  The same way that old lady said "No more wire hangers!!!!!!"  I say NO MORE FREAKIN' LABELS!!! lol


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