Birthday Countdown: Day 19

Shortly after turning 19, love smacked
me in the face...but I karate chopped it
in the throat.

So this is day three of me blogging the birthday countdown and I'm wondering why I started this LOL

Today is Day 19
At 19 years old...

I was a second semester freshman in college at UNC Chapel Hill. I think someone took me to dinner for my birthday, but I cannot remember who it was...

My roommate: Was also from NC. We were actually from the same high school sports conference...Northwestern 4A or something like that.

My crew: I didn't really have a crew. It takes me awhile to warm up to people. I hung out with my roommate's friends a lot...and some other people who I met here and there...but didn't have a set group of folks I was always with. Back then, I just didn't like too many people. I was standoffish and probably homesick. I had a boyfriend back home before I left for school, who I never saw again. We said our goodbyes before I left for college. He actually died while I was away at school.

I was dating: Well...there was a guy I still talked to back home, who was older... but nothing really serious. I met a couple of guys at school, but that was just too close for comfort.Then, as fate would have it...I ran into Superman..and we went on a journey for seven long...tumultuous years...
I dressed: Like a high school kid. T-shirts, jeans, sweat shirts with my high school mascot

My attitude: Was quiet and reserved...I didn't talk a lot or to too many people. I was still trying to figure things out...being away from home. I had been away throughout high school...flying here and there for competitions and stuff...but nothing longer than a week..

My Family: Saw me every break. I couldn't have my car on campus as a freshman.

So that's a snapshot of what I was doing at 19...there's a lot more, but these will be random posts...

In present day...on my 19th day of the countdown...It is the day after Christmas. I spent all day working and planning. Met a new client...looked at new office space...did some thinking lol... Chatted with a relationship guru about my blog on Evelyn Lozada's engagement and my inclusion of him in it.

I need to get this book launch together if I'm going to do it at the beginning of the year...

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