Birthers, Birth Certificates and Bull...

I'm going to try to write this in a calm manner, whilst I'm not very calm.

President and First Lady Obama on Oprah from

As you can clearly see I am Black, African American if you will...even Negro...but don't call me Colored... As a matter of fact some folks better not call me anything, but my name or I'll be ready to go off. LOL

Why is that? Because I harbor some prejudices.  Yep! I do.  Oh Lord, now don't go running off thinking I am part of some secret Angry Black Woman society ready to overthrow the country and join the NWO... NO...not even close.

But let's get to it. I fervently believe everyone has prejudices.  Most are afraid to admit it.  People are in denial and will probably discredit me because I am a Black woman saying what I am about to say.  I'm just pulling the race card.  To them I say... I could give two flying rats butts what you think... As Whoopi G said today... welp...I'm pulling the RACE CARD!  Now what? Keep reading or click the little X up in the corner..

To the birthers, some of y'all are lunatics.  There I said it.  You are down right nutty.  And getting nuttier every moment.  I know this to be true because I ran into one at work who was darn near foaming at the mouth. 

You do not want this Black man to be president. You do not want him to be legitimately intelligent.  It is killing you.  Eating away at every shred and fiber of your being.  Some guy who looks nothing like your forefathers (I say your...because to my knowledge I have no link to any of those dudes...but surely I digress...)

So welcome to what it feels like to live in a country controlled by someone who looks nothing like you. does that feel?  Do you feel different?  Less than?  Are you fearful that he may make policies that will help The Blacks? (I actually heard a lady on NPR say this during the campaign...).  What's the truth behind it?   Find it... EMBRACE it... TELL IT... THEN GET OVER IT.

I have been THE ONLY Black person sooo many times in my life in different situations that it became normal.  I had to ignore people who attempted to make me feel less than, strange, different.  I had to get over it.  Why? Because I had no freakin' choice!  I'm outnumbered.  I learned how to deal with it LOL. 

But what I found was, people will attempt to dog you, humiliate you, detract from your abilities based on their own insecurities.  I had plenty of people who were in the majority and the minority, who helped me do my best from teachers to coaches.  They saw great things in me, and rarely if ever made me feel less than. 

In balance they outweighed the ones who didn't.  I remember when I won a county-wide scholarship and my class valedictorian said it only happened because I was Black.  He literally walked up to me and said it.  (By the way, yes I still remember it dude, and you can apologize at any time ;) LOL...)  He mattered little to me because for every ONE of him there were twenty other folks, who happened to share his race, that cheered me on. 

You tend to build a thick skin about those things.  Why? Because you have too.  That's why I understand why President Obama ignored the birthers for years.  Why not? He knew his authenticity.  He had nothing to prove to them.   As my thought of today said, "The only thing you can prove to a fool is that you are as foolish as he is, so stop trying."

Something you have to understand about people like Donald Trump, birthers, and Orlie Tates is that they have been groomed, conditioned, bred, baptized and anointed to believe that being Black makes you inferior.  So to them it isn't racist.  It is just normal.  It isn't prejudice, it is just the way it is.  It would be earth shattering to take that away from them.  Why? It would make them question their very existence.  Make them question the people they hold near and dear.  Make them lose a bit of their own feelings of superiority.  And dangit, that's scary!

Oh...that assessment doesn't come from me.  It came from a dear friend who passed away in 2008.  Like me, he grew up in a small town.  Like me, he graduated from UNC.  Like me he was an attorney.  Like me, he was Christian.  Unlike me he was White. Unlike me, he grew up during segregation.  Also like me he was outspoken.    And we shared the same beliefs on race, racism, and prejudice.  And we talked openly and honestly about it.  We bonded over a few short months working together.  I miss him dearly. 

Anyway... there is nothing that President Obama will ever be able to do to convince some people that he is legitimate, qualified, and capable.  I wish he hadn't even displayed his birth certificate today.  All people will say is: Oh it is a fake.  Oh there is still a chance it isn't the right one.  Oh how did he get into Columbia or Harvard? Oh...yadda yadda...blah blah... I would have personally told them to K.M.A.  :)


Kathryn said…
In one blog post, you have said exactly what I've been feeling all week. Thanks!
MsALWalker said…
You hit the nail on the head. Birthers are lunatics. Plain and simple.

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