Wedding invitations, money problems, and other foolishness

I'm going to start backward... First up the foolishness.

Why do people always want to tell me stupid stuff? LOL I'm minding my own business walking to lunch in my building.  A coworker comes up to me and says "Did you hear about the new lady?"  Now the last time someone asked me about a new person, the poor sap had kirked out (One of my favorite terms that no one gets...basically meaning he lost his marbles...)... Hey it is rough in the legal profession... :)

Well today it was a woman who decided that her keyboard was a little too dirty, so she borrowed one from another computer.  She commences to using it and much to her chagrin it isn't working.  She calls aforementioned coworker over to tell him it isn't working.  He tries it out...sure enough. Not working. hmm.. then he looks... Ummm the lady didn't bother to detach said keyboard from the computer and attach it to hers?! (see this is the darn foolishness I'm talking about...what's going on in the world of legal education?! le sigh!)

Money problems

"Money problems" also ties into the wedding invitation story...but I'll get to that.  Anyway, I was at the ATM today and as I turn to walk away, a guy approaches me speaking French. So I give him the side-eye...And he starts speaking English (Ummm...I must be international or something because just the other day someone started speaking Spanish to me...but eeeh...).  He reaches out his hand and says "sister, I have but this penny.  Can you help me out?"  I told him I would but I have no money on me (my debit card had I had to go downstairs to the bank..smh..but I didn't tell him that.) Do you know this fool motioned over to the ATM machine and said, "What do you have no money in the bank." 

I twisted my face up looked at him, gave him the "I'm about to bus' you upside your head and take your penny" look and walked away.  Now if he don't get somewhere with his beggin' bi-lingual arse and get a job!!! All those places of business in that building and you roll up on me at the ATM machine asking for money? Booooooooooy!!! The sheer gall and audacity of some people! Which brings me to this next story...

Wedding invitations

A friend calls to tell me about an invitation she received in the mail.  Awww yaye!! Wedding season.  Pretty dresses, nice decor, lovely ceremonies...good food...

Well if you want all THAT at THIS wedding... it'll cost you!

Check this tomfoolery foolishness out... Not only did this invite have multiple gift registry also had a honeymoon registry...It also had an RSVP card with no return envelope.  And above all else! It had a notice saying that if you wanted to attend the private reception you would have to send a money order or check covering the cost of your plate.

Now I have been to several weddings in my time.  I've been to very budget conscious weddings and weddings where they spared no expense.  I have been to weddings for people from all walks of life.  I have been to Jewish and Christian ceremonies.  American and Kenyan.  Weddings indoors and out.  But I have never in my life been to a BYOB, BYOPlate, BYOGift and BYO Every dang thing else!


Ooooh you're gonna invite me to a wedding...ask me to pay for your honeymoon...send me multiple gift registries and then tell me if i don't pay for my plate I'm not eating?

I told her she should have sent a note back with the RSVP telling them they can kiss her natural born behind...and make sure to put it back in the envelope and write "RETURN TO SENDER" on the front since they were too cheap to include a return envelope!

Oh you thought I was playing?!  Look a'here at this foolishness!

Do you see all of those registries?!


This mess right here ^^^^^^^!!! I can't!

Thanks to the invitee for these pics! LOL SMH


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