When did dating become war?

Photo from wikinut.com

That's it! I give up! I'm throwing in the towel.  This whole notion of bridging the game between men and women has been all for 'naught!

It's just not going to happen. I'm going to shut this blog down.  I've come to the conclusion that we just hate each other.

Yep! There's nothing left to see here. Men talk about women in terms of protecting their pockets.  Women talk about men in terms of protecting their goodies.

Men think women are conniving seductresses.  Women think men are scheming philanderers. 

Dating is a dang battlefield.  And I'm waving the white flag!

This convo I had sums it up:

Me: It's a shame...people strategize about dating like going into war...LOL

homeboy L.S.:  You're right. It shouldn't be that way.

Me: But sadly it is.

homeboy L.S.:  Definitely.  Everyone's either a war vet (baggage) or double agent (liar/player) in most minds.  Hard to find a solid loyal soldier.  I think most of us are war vets, but always looking for the double agaent in the other.  Because most of us have been swindled. 

It's a deep topic, but especially for black folks.  I think a lot of societal forces have pitted us in this mindset.

Ok. So I'm not really going to shut this sucka down.  But I'm tired...lol.  Please show me some sign that I'm not wasting my time.  :)


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