Single, successful, doggy lover

It's okay for FLOTUS to spend time in Target,
she already has a man and family.

Had breakfast with a certain gent today, and the conversation was hilariously intellectual and hilariously crazy at the same time.  Part of the conversation turned to the phenomena of a certain class of women, who behave in a certain way.

Kalu in Charlotte
He's working on something, so I won't use his terminology. But I'll get into it on this level.  I know too many ladies (heck...I may even fit a couple of these I hope they don't get mad about this...) who substitute healthy relationships with hot yoga, trips to Target, sushi, girls night at a martini bar, and a darn little dog.

Will the "dog lady" replace the "cat lady"?
This woman saved her dog from a bear.

Is there some hidden book with rules on being single, successful and.... well... bourgeois?! LOL

I mean really...where do y'all keep getting these dogs from?!  I noticed the ASPCA commercials have trailed off lately.  No one is running around asking anyone to adopt pets because all these single 20 something and 30 somethings have them.  Pretty soon there is going to be a little dog shortage...

And why do y'all keep going to Target?  With all the Target shopping you do, I hope you invest.  I mean you make trips to Target like it is a romantic outing.  You plan for it, know the time and particular location, get dressed up and do your hair... so that you can go to Target!

You don't go where men are.  You hang out in bunches.  You sit around pontificating about your accolades, accouterments, what the dog needs, your hair appointments, and a whole bunch of foolishness...Then wait for discussions or read books about why you don't have a man.

You cannot get one, because you are not doing anything necessary to acquire one.  LOL

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