Losing a friend

As I wrote my book (now editing) and chronicled my life as a tomboy, I thought deeply about my guy friends. I traced back to the point at which I first had really deep conversations with a guy.

It took me back to middle school. This particular friend was one of the funniest people I had ever met. He was really easy going and talked a lot.

We would sit and chat whenever he came to my Phys Ed class. He was in eighth grade and I was in sixth. He and I would always clown each other about different things. If he had witnessed me miss a layup on a fast break, as I played my last year of elementary school basketball, trust and believe I wouldn't hear the end of it. 

I would always go in on his big ears, but we would both laugh about it. We talked about other things like goals and dreams. He encouraged my nerdy side and always asked to see my report card.

We kinda lost touch when he left for high school, but reconnected when I joined him there a couple years later. That's when we really began to bond. 

He was a hardworking kid...held down a job and played running back on our football team. Of course we bonded over sports, but it was more than that. I could often look up and catch him standing at the door of my basketball practices. He would sometimes find me in the hall and we would talk between bells or after school. 

The last day I saw him was my sophomore year. We were walking to my health class...joking and play fighting...

UPDATE: The book is complete---> www.cmwriter.com/books


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