Simon Cowell, what kind of friend are you?


Simon Cowell soaking up the sun with a Lauren Silverman in St. Barths on his yacht in January 2012, Andrew Silverman, Lauren's husband was present on the trip. "(

We ladies have what's called The Sister Code.  The Sister Code means we don't exchange former flames.

Men don't really have a Man Code that addresses that, to my knowledge. So when the gossip dropped that X-Factor creator, Simon Cowell knocked up his close friend's wife...I thought: The sister code would never allow such a thing to go down.

I don't care if a guy just carried my friend's books to the bus in second grade... He's off limits. He could have been her double Dutch rope turner in middle school...can't touch him.

It is not that women are fiercely's just that we know our friends and we don't want to go behind those heiffas! LOL!!

If Cowell truly did begin seeing his friend's wife he is worse than pond scum. Then to impregnate her adds insult to injury. The situation is pathetic.

Hopefully it isn't true. 

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