#1 What he said: A conversation with my guy friend

Your Boyfriend's Best Girlfriend will bring you "What he said: A conversation with my guy friend."  The topics may vary, there will be different guys, but the convos will always be enlightening and hilarious. We will dig deeply into the male psyche to see what men really think about relationships. 

Image: Andy Newson / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
What he said: A conversation with my guy friend, Noa looks at the male psyche of a Hollywood actor who has appeared in a couple of commercials, a movie, 1000 Ways to Die, and a pilot show that may soon be on a TV near you. He talks about the double standard between men and women as it relates to sex and the number of sex partners one has had.

Today's guy: The Actor
How long we've been friends: Since 1999-2000
Occupation:  Actor

The Question: Should it matter to you how many partners your mate had prior to you?

Me: So I asked everybody on twitter and in texts the above question.  What do you have to say?
Him:  Meh! Can't turn a hoe into a housewife, so maybe.

Me:  Ha! You date porn stars though...LOL
Him:  Wouldn't be my wife.  AND I DIDN'T DATE HER! LOL  Actually I am on the fence with that one. (the question).

Me: Hahahaha!  I'd rather not know.  As long as the tests come back negative.
Him:  I know you wouldn't.

Me:  All the dudes said YES!!! LOL (to my above stated question)
Him:  Little do they know how slutty their wives are.

Me:  Exactly! Because heiffas won't tell the truth lol
Him:  Nope! Like Chris Rock said, "Women only count their boyfriends they slept with.  They won't tell you about the miscellaneous **** they had in Jamaica."

Me:  Most of the women said they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  I think I'm naive, I didn't realize people slept around so much.  I mean I knew people got around, but I'm meeting WOMEN who have slept with more than twenty or thirty dudes. Like they sleep with EVERY guy they go out with or something.
Him: Yep! Lots of sluts in the world.

Me:  Good gracious!
Him:  Women always wonder why we treat them like objects.  It's because they put themselves out there.  Men only do what they have gotten away with before.  You wonder why dude that hardly knows you will say let's ****? Cause it has worked.  If it never worked, they would never do it. You wonder why dudes yell at you, "Hey shawty!"  You wonder who falls for that? Some dumb *** chick has.

Me:  Very true.  I have one homegirl who got shocked when I said I didn't sleep with the guys I dated.  I'm like no.  When I said no, they accepted it for the most part.
Him:  **** I need to know your slutty friends. Hahahaha!


PharaohI said…
I love how retarded I am LOL!!!

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