Men are dogs and pigs, and they all cheat!

Is your bitterness rubbing off on the little ones?

Some of you ladies read that title and thought "Uh huh!!" "Say that!!"  "Preach!!"  And you probably added your own derogatory terms to describe the male species....didn't you? You my dear, are the very reason why I'm writing my first book.  It always churns my stomach every time I hear grown women speak of men in this way.

After all, some of my best, closest and dearest friends happen to be men.  And I refuse to allow anyone to talk ish around me about them.  So why would I chime in with people tossing them into debase categories based on their own poor choices and bad experiences?

Imagine my dismay when I heard those entitled words uttered by some preteens and teens. Yep!  Little girls, barely into training bras already having negative opinions of men.  Hmmmm....I wonder where THOSE notions came from... (yeah...I'm looking right at you, who agreed with that statement in the title...)

So fine...You had it rough with some dude, who took your cookies and didn't leave anything but crumbs behind.  Or your child's father who hasn't paid support beyond dropping off a couple bags of pampers and some baby wipes.  You're still pissed about the married man who didn't leave his wife for you.  I get're a bit salty.

HOWEVER....That does not give you the right to poison our little sisters.  Seriously! Can they get an opportunity to experience love and heartache on their own? Must you taint them with the piss and vinegar that is your bitterness?

So for the sake of the little ones looking up to you (and they are looking AND listening), keep that Bull to yourself!!! I mean dang...write in a journal, cry in your a friend... BUT whatever you do...DO NOT KILL THE INNOCENCE AND JOY OF A YOUNG GIRL JUST BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T FIND A DECENT MAN AND KEEP HIM!

I had to take about an hour to reassure those young girls that men are not horrible creatures. That sometimes we all make decisions that may hurt someone or that someone else doesn't like.  Also that we must choose guys who are of good character and who show devotion and respect.  No one deserves to have such ill words spewed about them. We're all human and sometimes we mess up, but everyone has within him/herself the ability to make good or bad decisions.


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