The people you meet along the way.

My life in the city...

I've been up since 5 am.  That tends to happen every day now.  I guess that means at 5 am, I need to do something.  I could just struggle to go back to sleep, but for what? A couple more hours of being restless? Nope.

I decided to talk to you.  So I'm thinking about the people I've met since moving.  The first people who came to mind were the homeless people I've met.  Some were at the Center of Hope, a resource for women and children.  I know some of you would say, really? The homeless? But you've been on the radio and met some "big names". 

See, to God we are all "big names".  Including the people you pass on the corner begging.  Have you ever stopped to talk to them? To know why they are there? I live by the notion that you can learn something from anybody.

We place levels of importance on people based on where they are, what they have and what they've done. God gives you importance based on WHOSE you are.  That means whether you're a begger on the street or the president of the free world, you still belong to Him.

Therefore at God's table the homeless man, I bought lunch for at Mert's one day, and President Obama sit in the same stead, in accordance to His will.  There is none greater than you, but the Father.  If He would do so much as to send His son to walk in your shoes, then you should know how important you are to Him.

I know there are some who are not of the Christian belief who read here.  And believe me you are welcome.  I've met you as well.  And often you are the ones who have taught me more about my own faith.  And I love you for it.  See, some of the people I've met along the way, don't worship how I worship, don't pray how I pray, don't practice the way I practice.  And that's alright. 

Some people would dismiss others because of their differences. I've done so myself. God is teaching me to embrace people.  All of them. Now it has taken me a while to get to that point, just based on the life I've lived.  But He keeps placing people in my path that push me towards where He wants me to be.

Just yesterday, I had a new physical therapist (I was in a car accident: dislocated rib, hurt shoulder, hurt back), and we instantly bonded.  While she worked on my sore spots, she asked me if I believed in God. Now at first I was like, this is a strange she telling me this is going to hurt like crazy so I better pray?! LOL... Umm...well that was part of it haha! Seriously, it was more a belief we share in the body's ability to heal itself and faith helping with the healing.  Then she and I just talked more afterwards, realizing we had so much in common.

That brings me to my girls who I've met along the way, trust me, I honor and love you as sisters.  Sometimes you may think I'm always on the guys' side, but what I'm really doing is for you and for me.  We were lovingly crafted and blessed with the gift of womanhood.  And my desire is for the love and protection we all deserve.

I haven't always been the nicest person. Believe me, more than enough people will tell you that... But I have always been a loving person. ALWAYS.  And more than enough people will tell you that.  And the people who have been placed in my path, have taught me so much more about love, humility and acceptance than I ever imagined I'd learn.


Leandro Kerr said…
Nos concebemos a partir das nossas relações com os outros. Somos uma síntese de quem passa por nós ;)
CM said…

Yes! That is very true.

Translation of what you said: "We conceive from our relationships with others. We are an overview of who passes us"

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