Get naked if you want to be loved

Someone posted the picture in the upper left corner of the collage this morning, and I had to use it in a blog.

I don't know who wrote the message, but it is true:

It's easy to take off your clothes and have sex...people do it all the time. But opening up your soul to someone, letting the person into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes and dreams...that's being naked.

No one can truly love you unless he or she truly knows you. That is the greatest fear many people have...allowing a person to truly KNOW you.

It is strange that people fear being heartbroken more than they fear STDs or raising a child with a stranger. But many do.

Many, many more fear loving and being loved than being alone with no one to care for or about them.

Why? Because love requires transparency, vulnerability, work and loyalty. 

All of those superficial emotions like fear, lust and "in love" have nothing on LOVE. But to get to have to get naked.


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