MediaTakeOut sued by Evelyn Lozada

Photo that appeared with the original story on MTO.
Ok... I laughed when I read this headline: Basketball Wife claims she was defamed.  And laughed even harder when I read the details. Evelyn Lozada claims that MediaTakeOut defamed her with stories insinuating that she cheated on Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson with Terrell Owens and that she was leaving the show due to being pregnant. 

I used to visit MediaTakeOut every day to joke and laugh about the juicy gossip with my friends and coworkers several years ago.  The founder of MTO, Fred Mwangaguhunga, is a former corporate lawyer. With all of the salacious stories posted on his site, I wondered how he skirted being sued before. LOL

It always cracks me up when I see headlines about reality stars suing somebody.  Most of the time I wonder who the attorneys are who take these cases.  Then realize there are many of my counterparts who would...
Can't knock them for free publicity (I mean, I could...but I won't...right now.)

Evelyn is suing for defamation of character (isn't that what Tami Roman threatened to sue her for with the whole "Non MF'in factor tizzy? SMH).  Now let me break down what Defamation of Character ACTUALLY MEANS...

Basically in Ev's case, she's suing for libel (the written version of defamation).  Now if she were an ordinary citizen, she need only show that a false statement was written, about her, and communicated to a third party, causing damage to her reputation. She's suing in Miami Dade court, which brings up questions of jurisdiction.

Because Miss Lozada loves the camera...she is what is known as a public figure.  Which means she has to prove something else: Malice.

One of the hardest things Miss Lozada will have trouble proving is damage to her repuatation.  For the most part people, who view her on the show, see her as a loose chick who is quick to drop the draws for a baller.  MediaTakeOut had no part in creating that reputation for Miss Lozada.  She did it all for herself.  So the accusation that she allegedly crept with Terrell Owens only goes further to support a bonafide reputation that she created.

The alleged "false" statement.
She must also show that the statement made was fale.  The statement made was "according to one of Evelyn's girls...she used to 'see' Terrell Owens." Did one of her friends say this? Or did MediaTakeOut make it up? Basically...MediaTakeOut didn't say she was sleeping with him.  The gossip site claims someone said she was seeing him.

Most people visiting MediaTakeOut wholeheartedly believe that the information provided is a joke. Oftentimes you see stories that are so outrageous that you know they are made up.  However, there are times where MediaTakeOut stumbles upon an accurate story.


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