Am I ready to pray with him?

This guy asked a group of people: "In your opinion, what's the most intimate thing 2 people can do together?"

My answer was: PRAY

Most of the time when we're in trouble, we pray...long...hard...and earnestly.  Often we do it in secret...only telling God what we're really going through.

Sometimes the prayers open up the tear ducts allowing all of you to flow out in those salty water drops.

Prayer blows your cover.  That armor that you use to hide behind when dealing with people melts away.  The fences you've put up to guard against hurt, harm and danger, come down.

You are revealed.  And everything is out in the open.  At that very moment you are completely naked and cannot disguise anything.

I've never prayed with a guy before.  Sure I've said grace over a shared meal.  But I've never PRAYED with one...that kind of prayer where we are so intimately connected.

What about you? Have you prayed with your significant other?

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