Balancing the negatives and the positives

Are your negatives outweighing your positives?

Mine have been for the past week month, and by golly, I'm going to do something about it! No the world is not all positive, but you can find light in any dark space. Balancing the negative and the positive is necessary for living a good life. Who wants to be buried in blahs anyway?

I paused last night to look at my blog posts over the last couple of weeks. I usually write on the fly. I may be at my desk working and get inspired by something I hear on the radio, or talking to a colleague and decide to share our funny conversation.

So whatever is going on around me, I write about when I get a chance. Now that I downloaded the Blogger App to my iPhone, my writing is usually instant. Writing is fun for me, but there is something that gave me pause over the last week. My posts have been overwhelmingly me anyway.

I am a very deep thinker, always self-analyzing and carrying on (errr over thinking like a mug!). So I had to think about why I have focused on negative things this couple of weeks, from Michael Jordan looking old to Alicia Keys's lackluster performance and the man who was beating his was all bad. That's not good at all.

What caused the negativity

If you want to bring positive energy back into your life, you have to determine what caused the negative to consume you.

I promised myself I would not work a lot this year, and would take some time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. But clearly, that has not been the case two months in. I have worked more than ever and yet again I'm burning the candle at both ends which makes me an unhappy camper.

I'm tired. I haven't spent time with the people I care about in the way I would like in quite a while. That means I am doing something wrong. Being the Capricorn that I am, that does not sit well with me. LOL

How does negativity affect your environment

If you want to see whether you're dwelling in negativity, look at the reactions of the people around you and the way you view everything happening around you.

At the point where nothing seems nice around you and you can pick out every flaw in every function of every living breathing thing. You have a problem! LOL

If you notice that people look timid around might be on edge! The sad thing is, many people walk around in this state all the time, so it seems normal.

The good thing is you can start to change your environment by changing your attitude. Things won't bother you as much when you're in a good mood.

Accentuate the positive

The rat race can slowly grind you down if you don't find something fun to hop on every once in a while.

I woke up with a migraine this morning. So I couldn't get up and go into the office. I don't usually get headaches of any kind, let alone a migraine.

But I realize that my head hurting was just God telling me to sit down and rest. Not be lazy, but rejuvenate. See. That's a positive thing in this whole migraine situation.

Also, this past weekend I put aside all my tasks and did something fun. I really have not taken time to enjoy much of anything around me lately. Going to the Bobcats event on Saturday was somewhat of a reprieve.

My head is still pounding, but I'm about to do some yoga...ahhh good ol' meditation.

How do you push the negatives out of your environment? 

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