Do men care how you dress?

Is this attire ever appropriate?

I have been out and about and seen more flesh than the law actually allows, on any given weekend. Shocking? Yes. Disturbing? Sometimes.  But what really got me once, was when I went to Miami for Memorial Day weekend a few years ago...

This woman walked down the street practically naked.  But in Miami, they have adult entertainment in residential areas, not at all like anywhere in NC, where there are zoning laws to prevent that.  Even this chick was a stripper, so she was merely advertising.  That does not explain every day ladies advertising their wares.

I understand the feeling of wanting to show off what nature (or extensive plastic surgery) gave you.  People are proud of their bodies.  BUT...should there be a limit on what you put out there for public consumption? 

I have been out of college for a while, so I may be out of touch.  Apparently things have changed.  Now it is allegedly appropriate to wear thigh high mini dresses and hooker heels to church.  I figure the ladies who do so find it appealing to the menfolks... So what do the guys have to say about it?  Before you say I'm "hatin'" (Oooooowww I despise that concept),  let me explain what brought me to this question.

A guy posted this last week. 
A gentleman posted the pic above with the message in red.  With it he asked this question:

QOTD: Is it time for the village to talk to the tons of women that are disrespecting themselves with their outrageous and inappropriate dress in public places?

So why do women feel comfortable putting it ALL on display?  Are they just self confident or is it the opposite?

Are you fellas attracted to it? Or is less more? Or more less?



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