Boston Marathon attack suspect dead, another at large

One suspect killed another suspect in Boston
attack remains at
large. FBI and police still searching for him.

In what seems like a scene from an action movie, FBI agents found the two suspects in the horrific Boston Marathon attack that killed three people and injured over 170 others. According to reports, one suspect was killed in a crazy standoff and the other got away.

Still at large

Video of suspects released by the FBI in hopes of finding them.

From NYTimes:

A Watertown resident, Andrew Kitzenberg, 29, said he looked out his third-floor window to see two young men of slight build in jackets engaged in “constant gunfire” with police officers. A police SUV “drove towards the shooters,” he said, and was shot at until it was severely damaged. It rolled out of control, Mr. Kitzenberg said, and crashed into two cars in his driveway.
The two shooters, he said, had a large, unwieldy bomb that he said looked “like a pressure cooker.”
“They lit it, still in the middle of the gunfire, and threw it. But it went 20 yards at most.” It exploded, he said, and one of the two men ran toward the gathered police officers. He was tackled, but it was not clear if he was shot, Mr. Kitzenberg said.
Can you even begin to imagine what it is like to live in a country that goes through this every day? Where bombs drop out of the sky and children are lost, lives are shattered? I know this makes many people fearful, but should it also not make you weary of war and terror, no matter where it happens?

Should you not have compassion for those lives of innocent people lost in foreign lands, even if they do not look like you or me or speak in the same tongue? What about those who live here and are killed in the streets on a regular basis? Stan VanGundy asked that question on the Dan LeBatard show this week. Why do we not go in mass to Chicago to protect and serve, when young people die there in tremendous numbers?

Death visits everyone, it is a part of living. The way you may die is what scares people.

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