Men's Fashion: Tailored too tight

You all know how I feel about men in too tight to fight clothing...aka the metrosexual.

A pal of mine is a fitted fashion wearer. And I always joke him about his tight pants. Welp! It finally happened!

In one shocking moment...

In a quiet room...

A document drops to the floor.

My pal, in closely tailored attire, bends to pick up the document....


The photo in the bottom right is a representation of the "from the rooter to the tooter" rip.

Luckily there was a tailor close by. I accompanied him over to get sewn up. Of course I laughed along the way.

Why is it that when you have an embarrassing moment like that, you tend to run into everyone you know? I swear we were stopped ten times along our five minute walk. He had to hold the jacket around his waist as we walked LOL


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