Facebook is the devil

From Eurweb article:
Preacher says Facebook is the devil

Yep! I said it! Facebook is the devil, Beelzebub, Lucifer, whatever you want to call him... In 2008, I signed up for Facebook...many years after it had first popped on the cyber world scene.  My best friend repeatedly nagged me about getting a Facebook page...until I relented.

Initially my Facebook page had nothing on it....not even a picture. Slowly I began my fall to hell...

In four years on Facebook, I have witnessed relationships begin, relationships end, people arguing, people making up, people having babies, people losing spouses, people getting promotions, people losing jobs, people spreading motivation, people spewing hatred...yes a combustible mix.

Then I was lured into the abyss...daily postings about my life...wait what? How did that happen? I am a really private person. No one knows my business.  I found myself posting weekly. Showing pictures of my travels and hanging out.  Then I would get the sensation to say something daily. Then every hour.

It got me, with it's seductive quizzes, polls, and salacious gossip. I grew up watching soaps...so to see daytime drama in the lives of people I know, or know of...was tantalizing. People have developed real Facebook addictions.  I mean everyday they wake up with a yearning for a hit. SMH

As my tenure on Facebook extended, relationship statuses changed like the plots on The Guiding Light.  One person could have several exchanges of significant others in a matter of a few months.  I was hooked! But I never posted anything about my relationship status...why? Because people are too nosy. LOL

Folks started checking in wherever they went, leaving a trail that any deranged stalker could travel to get to them. WTH?!  I realized, I knew too much about peoples lives and too little about them to know all that I knew. (Yeah, I know that was confusing...lol)...Then the pokes from strange men started coming...I guess this is like grabbing you in the cyber world. And I began to reach the point of being done.

I started using Facebook to promote my writing. So no more really personal messages from me. Then one day, I had a desire to delete my Facebook account(s).

People I never expected to hear from ever again in life started popping up. Not really a bad thing...but I like to move on. And that's just it...like the Devil, Facebook does not allow you to move on from your past...LOL

It just keeps bringing it up like bile from the belly of the beast. I'm not off of Facebook yet, but maybe soon.

Do you have a FACEBOOK addiction? 


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