Reason #105 why YBBG does not drink

Passed out with nothing but cheetos and
hot sun to keep him company. 

This morning my pal, Arel G. tweeted that he walked outside to find this man lying in front of his neighbor's door covered in Cheetos.

Arel G ‏
So I walked outta my apartment today, some dude was laying on the ground in front of my neighbors door covered in Cheetos.........
PUH-LEASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE tell me you snapped a pic LOL
7hArel G ‏
 i tried.. He woke up from my footsteps tho hahahah

Although Arel didn't get a pic, his roommate did. Now y'all...the temp reached 105 or higher in Charlotte today... basically hotter than the devil's drawz.

I'm not saying this fella here was drunk...I'm just saying this is reason #105 why I don't drink.  Drunk folks do some dumb stuff, like lay down on concrete and spill good snacks.

What's the craziest, funniest or most dangerous thing you have ever done when you were tipsy? Don't worry, you can comment anonymously. 


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