DAY 16 DV AWARENESS: Stay connected

We were not placed on this planet to abide alone. There are people around for a reason. Those people who have always been there for you, should continue to take up their special places in your life.

People who genuinely love you and care about your well-being help frame your support system. One of the biggest issues in DV relationships is isolation of victims from their support system. This can happen subtly and appear as though the abuser merely wants to be the go to guy or gal in your life. 

Someone who loves you will not isolate you from others, who love you and treat you well. As a matter of fact, they would work to become part of these relationships to build an even stronger support system. That doesn't mean an abuser is always an isolationist, but often that is the case. 

A supportive and healthy relationship includes involvement of good friends and loving family. Healthy relationships often join support systems, giving a couple mentors to look up to, friends to enjoy, and family to lean on from time to time. 

The relationship actually builds new relationships with each party's friends and family. It may whittle away people who were never a support system to begin with, but your true blues will be loved and accepted by your partner as an extension of you, when all of the relationships are healthy.

As to isolation...

I interviewed a therapist once, and we spoke about how isolation feeds depression and other mental health issues. Isolation traps a person in his or her present condition. It stunts growth, exploration and development. 

Maintaining a connection with other people introduces new ideas and experiences to your life. It also provides security and gives you an outlet to release negative energy in a positive manner. Other people challenge you to expand your horizons. Maintaining a connection with others helps you understand and develop a purpose in life. 

Being able to reach out to someone else can motivate you to do amazing things...including love yourself. People don't have to be all up in your business, but they can remain a healthy part of your business. 

Remember to stay connected to help promote healthy relationships. 


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